The Title IX Compliance & Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Office (Title IX/DHP Office) occasionally partners with other campus resources to provide a more comprehensive training to its audience. These collaborative efforts have increased the opportunities for innovative and effective techniques and allowed the Title IX/DHP Office to deliver its message to a wider audience.

Such partners have included:

  • The Women, Gender, & Sexual Equity Department (WGSE)
  • CARE: Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education
  • Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity (RCSGD)
  • Intercollegiate Athletics Department (ICA)
  • UCSB Police Department
  • Orientation Programs
  • Clery Act Compliance Office 
  • UCSB Student Engagement and Leadership Office (SEAL)
  • Human Resources Department
  • Office of Student Conduct
  • UCSB Academic Senate
  • UCSB Academic Personnel
  • Disabled Students Program
  • Residential & Community Living (R&CL)
  • Associated Students 
  • Student Health
  • Theater Department
  • Housing Department