If you or someone you know is in danger or needs immediate help, call 911.
If you have experienced any form of discrimination, including sexual violence and sexual harassment, resources are available to you. Please see the Full List of Campus & Community Resources for more information.


Confidential Campus Resources

The offices/UC employees listed below are designated Confidential Resources. Information about incidents of sexual violence, sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, and other prohibited behavior (as defined by the UC SVSH Policy) that these offices/UC employees receive in their confidential capacity is kept confidential and will not be shared without the permission of the impacted party.* These resources are not Responsible Employees and are not required to report or share any information with the university. Information shared with Confidential Resources does not put the University "on notice", and without additional action by the impacted party, discussions with members of these offices/UC employees will not result in any University response.

Please note that while the Confidential Resources listed above are not required to report to the University about reports of sexual violence, sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, and other prohibited behavior, they may have other mandatory reporting obligations under UC CANRA (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act) Policy, the Clery Act as a Campus Security Authority (CSA), and other policies or laws that require reporting to campus or local law enforcement, or Child Protective Services.

Other Campus & UC Resources