The Title IX Officer will assess the reported conduct and/or incident to determine if it meets the criteria of Prohibited Conduct, as defined by the SVSH Policy, and if so, determine the most appropriate response. During the Initial Assessment phase, the Title IX/DHP Office will offer resources to the impacted party, invite them to meet for an informational session, and receive all available information.


Offer Resources Option to Meet with Title IX/DHP Initial Assessment
Safety and wellness resources.

Connection to CARE, Ombuds, and other confidential resources.

Other resources and support services provided.
Outreach to the identified complainant.

Offer an information session and intake.

Participation in meeting is voluntary.
Based on available information.

Determination of most appropriate response.

Communicated in writing to complainant.


If there is insufficient information to proceed with a response, the case will close at Initial Assessment, and the Complainant will be informed in writing of this determination. Reports of Prohibited Conduct that are not closed after at Initial Assessment may be addressed through a Resolution Process, which are non-adversarial proceedings. They include Alternative Resolution, Investigation, a separate employee grievance or complaint process, or Other Inquiry.


Alternative Resolution


Employee Grievance or Complaint Process

Other Inquiry


The specific procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of Prohibited Conduct depend on the Respondent’s identity and relationship to the University. The various response procedures are noted below.