Initial responses to reports of of prohibited conduct such as discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence and sexual harassment. are critical to the wellbeing of impacted parties. Please review the information below on best practices when receiving a report of prohibited conduct and reach out to the Title IX Compliance & Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Office (Title IX/DHP Office) if you have any questions or would like to discuss the situation further. Below you will find some practical steps to use if a person reports to you that they have experienced discrimination and/or harassment.
- Assess for safety. Ensure that you are in a safe environment for both yourself and the person reporting to you. If you feel that the environment is unsafe or that immediate medical attention is necessary, contact 911 immediately.
- UC Employees: Let them know about your Responsible Employee reporting obligation as soon as possible. It is important that an individual is provided this information before disclosure, if possible, so that they can make an informed choice on how to proceed.
- Available Confidential Resources. Let them know that Confidential Resources are available. Unlike Responsible Employees, Confidential Resources are not obligated to report to the Title IX/DHP Office and can provide the individual with information about their rights and options as well as campus and community support resources without putting the University “on notice.”
- For faculty and other academic appointees, the Title IX/DHP Office recommends sharing your status as a Responsible Employee at the beginning of each term (for example, on your syllabus), to ensure that students are aware of your obligation to report.
- Listen with empathy. Be patient and avoid interrupting or making statements that may feel judgmental to the person reporting their experience. Choose words that are simple and kind, for example, “Thank you for telling me.”
- Let them know that they are not to blame. Remind them that no one deserves harassment or violence, regardless of the circumstances.
- Remember that you are not an investigator. You do not need to gather information or ask for details beyond what is shared with you. Doing so can be harmful to the person reporting to you and can have negative impacts on future response processes.
- Provide information about Campus & Community Resources. Respect their decision on whether to seek assistance, even if what they choose is different from what you would choose. Avoid unsolicited advice about what they “should” or “must” do. Ask the individual if they would like your assistance or accompaniment if accessing these resources.
- Submit a report to the Title IX/DHP Office. Responsible Employees must submit a report to the Title IX/DHP Office as promptly as possible and share whatever information they have, including the names of any individuals involved, their contact information, and any details of the incident even if you are unsure that the incident actually occurred or whether it constitutes prohibited conduct. If you are not a Responsible Employee, please still consider making a report to the Title IX/DHP Office so the impacted party may benefit from all the services available to them and receive information about their rights, options, and resources.
- Take care of yourself. Providing support for those who have reported experiences of prohibited conduct can be challenging. Pay attention to your own needs and reach out for support as needed.