We recognize that the quickly evolving federal policy changes may have created some uncertainty for our local campus community members. We remain committed to our campus values, as stated in our current policies and UC Santa Barbara’s Principles of Community. For additional information and updates on the UC system’s approach to these changes, please visit the UC Office of the President’s Federal Updates website.

The mission of the Title IX Compliance and Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Office (”TIX/DHP Office”) is to ensure all UCSB community members fulfill the campus’ commitment to create and maintain a work and academic environment free of discrimination and harassment. 

File a Report with TIX/DHP Office

File a Report

Not sure if you are ready to report? Confidential Resources are available to you and can provide you with information on applicable UC policies, campus procedures, resources, and reporting options without automatically putting the University “on notice” or initiating a University response.

General Office Information

Title IX Compliance & Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Office (Title IX/DHP Office)

Office Address
3211 Phelps Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2065
Phone: (805) 893-2701
Mail Code: 2065

Operating Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the exception of University holidays.

We are currently working a hybrid remote schedule. To make a virtual or phone appointment, please email tixoffice@titleix.ucsb.edu. In-person appointments available upon request.

Report Website Issues

Broken links, missing content, etc.

Email info@titleix-dhp.ucsb.edu